However, when stress is constant and starts to affect multiple areas of your life, you can find yourself in a situation where you feel you cannot cope. If that happens, it is perhaps time to think about making a change and seeking help.
Look at these examples of stressful situations and see if you can relate to any of them? They represent emotional needs, and if they are not satisfied then it becomes difficult to live life to the full. Mentally tick them as you go because the results might surprise you.

They all sound great but what works?
Do you live and work in a happy and safe environment? Perhaps where you live is too noisy or too quiet? Do you feel safe in your own home? Are your neighbours unpleasant?
Is your workplace a friendly, happy place or would you leave tomorrow, if you could? Are you being harassed, undermined or bored at work? What is it about your life that makes you feel stressed because something isn’t right?
- Are you getting sufficient attention and are you able to provide attention to others? Maybe your boss or supervisor at work is not giving you the help you need, or maybe you don’t have the resources to do your job properly.
- Can you tell your partner or a close friend ‘anything’ and do they accept you just the way you are?
- Have you got outside interests like hobbies, a meetup club, exercise classes, sports, socialising with friends?
- Do you feel overwhelmed by responsibility, workload or demands from others, giving you little time for yourself or others, leading to feelings of disappointment or guilt?
- Is your perception that you are not trusted to do the job right?
- Do you feel emotionally connected to other people?
- Maybe you feel as though your life is out of control? This could mean having your own space, feeling independent, doing your own thing and not having someone or some situation controlling you?
- Do your goals give your life purpose or do you have a bucket list of things you dream of doing which never gets done? Have you considered making a career change but are too stressed to take the next step?
Do any of the above sound like your life circumstances?
If not, then great, you are doing pretty well emotionally. But maybe you visited this site because you are not feeling great and perhaps there are a few that you can relate to.
Signs of Stress
- Guilt
- Mood swings
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Avoiding people
- Resentment
- Feelings of anger
- Frustration
- Denial
- Blame
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Back pain
- Repeated colds
- Crying
- Asthma
- Loss of sex drive
- Sleep problems
- Rapid heartbeat/chest pain

Ask yourself this. How do I stop feeling stressed?
Lower emotional arousal by changing the way you think
When you feel stressed, anxious, angry or fearful, messages jump into your brain making you want to fight or run away. Your heartbeat quickens and you may start to breathe more rapidly. Your imagination goes into overdrive and as a result, negative thoughts begin to take control.
Stop Right Here!
Giving you an opportunity to develop new responses that change the way you think and ultimately the way you behave.

If you would like some help, contact us and we will help you to return to a better way of thinking and behaving.