Compulsion, habit, craving, need, addiction, obsession, thing, hook, dependence…
Do you spend time thinking about when you can next do your ‘thing’? Has it caused problems in your job or relationships? Perhaps it has affected your self-esteem or had a bad effect on your health?
Perhaps you wonder why your friends and family can take it or leave it. Why are you so different?
Maybe you feel that your life won’t be the same if you stop or it just feels like it’s too high a mountain to climb to stop the behaviour that is dominating you. And what is the ‘thing’? Is it smoking, alcohol, gambling, shopping, sex, overwork, social media, gaming or stealing? Or something else?
Is it really an addiction or is it just a problem behaviour? And how do you know?
If you use your habit as a way of escaping negative thoughts or feelings about yourself, I can tell you it’s not working. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this.
Addiction – You are not powerless
Even if you have had a problem behaviour for many years, it does not mean you cannot stop. The truth is that if your life was working the way you’d like and your emotional needs were being met, then you would probably not need to look for unhealthy ways to feel good or get peace of mind.
Together we will look at your emotional needs by establishing if something is missing or if you are unhappy with particular areas of your life.
Addiction – Hypnotherapy can help
By the use of hypnotherapy and NLP we can help you to get back in control and banish whatever has been controlling you in the past from your life for good. Sometimes it is possible to reduce the problem behaviour and find ways to help you do this if you believe this is a realistic expectation. Otherwise, we will help you to stop it altogether which is usually the easiest choice.